Values & Beliefs

I have much to be thankful for. Below, I have compiled a list of my values and beliefs.

Rise together; you are better off having a team and working together; a rising tide raises all ships. Individual heroes don’t build great companies; teams do. Collaboration makes you stronger, provides diverse thinking, and gets you further faster. Also, don’t be lazy. Get back in the office. Working from home sucks!

Be Positive. Negativity sucks; being an energy vampire sucks and is not helpful. You must focus on the things that are working and fix the things that are not; having a positive attitude is critical when facing a challenge.

Never pass up an opportunity to improve yourself, take criticism gracefully, learn from it, and develop yourself.

Constantly Question. Be Brave. Take Chances, Break Rules. Be Curious. Try to figure out a better way. Always ask, “Why?”

Keep it real. Be direct. Be transparent. No politics. No games—with your brand, clients, partners, friends, and Family. Dont fall into the trap of believing your own bullshit.

Accountability requires you to understand expectations, communicate clearly, and consistently produce high-quality work. It all comes down to doing what you say you are going to do and doing it well! This is critical in your personal and professional life.

You have to be committed! You can be positive and team-oriented, accountable, entrepreneurial, relationship-focused, super-responsive, and a great communicator – but if you are not committed, none of it matters.

Don’t give up. Changing an industry, building a product, developing a system, etc., is difficult. Try and Try harder… What are you going to do about it? Find a way. No excuses.

Do the right thing. There is always a choice. Pick the one that does right by your clients, community, and planet. Break rules, but don’t hurt people or take their stuff.

Never compromise. This does, you know, favors. It’s better to wait and get what you want than settle for something subpar. Be the best you can be. Don’t cut corners. Focus on the best possible experience.

Enjoy the ride. You only have so many heartbeats; don’t waste them on trivial BS. Life is much too short. Live your passions, in and outside of work.

Building relationships is key. You must work to maintain them. Personal and Professional relationships aren’t developed overnight; they grow over time and require constant effort.

Be responsive and take the time to communicate clearly. We all know it can be challenging, but that effort pays dividends in the respect you’ll earn from your friends, family, colleagues, and clients.

Spend time with your family; you can’t be a real person if you are not close to your family. Maintain a happy work-life balance or your professional and personal life will suffer.

You must understand the significance of proper attire. I believe a sense of ownership is vital in every aspect of life, perhaps never more so than when it comes to wardrobe. For every look, there is a season, and for every season, a strategy.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A car reflects a person’s character, and the interior is an insight into the owner’s soul. Respect your things and take care of them.

Always be closing! If you are in sales, your job is to sell. Dont be afraid to ask for the deal; work for it and stick it out no matter the outcome. Do not abandon the deal until it is done.

Being entrepreneurial is an addiction. Once the bug bites, it is almost impossible to shake it. Enjoy it! Everyone can be entrepreneurial at work and in life.