
A Google sized Mess

Recently, I needed to translate something for a supplier into German; the text I translated was for some firearms parts from a German manufacturer. Google Gemini refused to translate it! They cited their terms and stated that my text promoted the sale of gun parts and firearms, which was against their policy! My wife has a business selling legal parts and supplies. I am her business partner and help her with her business dealing with suppliers, and I was taken aback when Google would not translate the text!

Note: Because of the stock crash in the last few days, Google has made changes. That said, I am still done with Google…

I can’t believe Google, based on their WOKE liberal ideologize, decided not to allow their AI to help me. This is very scary; AI can decide based on the programmer’s ideology whether or not to give you truth, lies, or no help.

Well, Google’s stock crashed — go woke, go broke. At the same time, DuckDuckGo started advertising on TV, making me think about alternatives. I have long been a user of Twitter/X, and Grok helped me translate it without trouble and did not give me a bunch of WOKE nonsense. The fact is that Google’s Gemini AI is a complete woke mess. They are making national news about how bad AI is. They have effectively erased white people!

Alphabet’s Google announced on social media platform X that its artificial intelligence model, “Gemini,” would pause people’s image generation. This comes after the woke-tuned model produced countless images of black and Asian people when prompted by the user – but refused to do the same for white people. 

“We’re already working to address recent issues with Gemini’s image generation feature. While we do this, we’re going to pause the image generation of people and will re-release an improved version soon,” Google wrote on X. 

What is funny is that several people noticed this and started to game the system, desperately trying to get Gemini to display a white person. It is all over Twitter, with how bad it got. I captured screenshots of my two favorites, which are hilarious!

Google’s Gemini Launch has been a disaster! Google has access to a ton of information. Google has the advantage, and they have screwed up with their launch. As you can see, their stock has crashed this week because of their massive mistakes.

Everyone knows the famous Google “Don’t be evil” motto except for the people on the Google Gemini Team…

The phrase is attributed to early Google employees Paul Buchheit (creator of Gmail) and Amit Patel. Buchheit wanted a slogan that would differentiate Google from competitors perceived as exploiting users at the time. Now I guess it is Google’s turn to exploit AI and attempt to feed the world a narrative instead of historic truth.

“Don’t be evil” became widely recognized as a core value representing Google’s commitment to ethical practices and prioritizing users’ interests. Again, the Google Gemini Team needs to review this because they are not building something that prioritizes user interest. AI should be historically almost painfully accurate in all things. What is the point if humans are building AI that lies and misrepresents history and facts?

Does anyone think seriously that Vikings were Asian and Black mixed race? I am no historian, but that seems pretty ridiculous.

This one is by far my favorite. I guess that Google Gemini does not have access to a list of Popes. There has NEVER been a Pope that has looked like either of these people. I do get it. It is like Google Gemini can’t look up Google and do a simple “Google search” and show accurate results.

If you have any knowledge of past popes, you know that this is completely ridiculous! When I saw this, I thought it was a joke, but it was not. Google Gemini came up with this, which could not be less accurate.

This is why I am done with Google. If they can’t make their AI honest, what else are they doing behind the scenes… I am sure it is much worse than we can imagine.

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