Business, Technology


I congratulate the new owners of Epik LLC and his amazingly gifted team. A couple of guys on the team made the deal happen. Thank you all for your support and hard work during the transition. I enjoyed working with you every moment. The real winners are the customers of Epik and the customers of the Registered Agents Inc. What they have done with the software is amazing. While they don’t share my level of concern for free speech, I do think they will be a great registrar for the business community and do very well with the brand. If you want to read their press release, click on it to visit the site.

I was appointed in Sept 2022

An amazingly challenging experience

I want to share a few things for those who don’t understand what it was like working at Epik… The team was terrific, but the situation was challenging. The creditors were more interested in the business than the shareholders. For the most part, the customers were extremely loyal.

There are many fake things written online about, and what happened at Epik Holdings.

Many might think I caused the problems at Epik, but I did not. The solution I could see was a massive capital injection and a directional shift. The situation was very complex already when I got there. Someone brilliant who sold a company for millions here in Houston told me he was shocked that I kept Epik alive as long as I did without getting an infusion of capital. That was a compliment and something I am proud of.

Some have said that after I was installed in September as the CEO of Epik, Epik quickly cascaded into chaos; this is not true! I was installed in the first place because Epik was having trouble paying out its credit obligations and “Escrow” funds that the company owed. I was indeed named in lawsuits, but that is only because I was the CEO. The public lawsuit that an ex-customer refers to online was over a transaction that happened many months, almost a year before I was named CEO. The fact is that I was able to keep the company alive for over a year, solve most of the debt issues, and ultimately, the customer who brought the suit was paid back. Please note that there are hit pieces on the internet that make statements that are simply false.

To my team, it was an honor working with you.

When we started work at Epik, turning the ship around was a challenging task. A lot happened in a very short amount of time. No business is one person; a strong group always makes it work. All the people I had the privilege of working with were incredibly devoted, including several developers. The team was terrific. Many have moved on to the new Epik.

Final thoughts

Epik 2.0 has decided to laser-focus on the business community, which is a good plan. They should do well with that angle. They are very focused on providing a quality service and respecting customer privacy. Dotcom is still the gold standard of domains, but .xyz is the newcomer that will continue to become increasingly valuable. Country-specific domain extensions are on the rise. Dot eth and crypto are very interesting as well. It is excellent that you can now point to a crypto wallet with any domain if you know how to set the DNS up correctly. The most transformative inventions are the cell phone in the 80s, GPS in the late 80s, and the Internet in the 90s… The verdict is still out on AI.

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